Friday we went to the stake dance. It was pretty sweet! There were way more people there this year than last year. There was even a mechanical bull! SWEEEEEET
This year was super exciting because we went as the 7 deadly sins. Awesome right? And I'm so surprised it turned out really well. Now as you guessed it is time for pictures

Everyone from left to right.
Carrie-Pride Me-Greed Melissa-Envy Angilyn-Gluttony Ariel-Wrath Emily-Lust Aubrey-Sloth

Seriously look at her. What a beautiful girl.

The best part of the dance was seeing how creative other people were. Here are a few of the awesome costumes we saw.
Saturday was pretty good too. Not as much fun. But still fun. i went to work and dressed up. I wore the Cave Woman outfit from Jazz Choir a couple years ago. It seems to work well. Amazingly my hair mostly stayed teased the whole shift. I just looked a little funny because I had to have a headband on to keep my hair contained. :-)
Saturday night I went and spent some time with my friend's Hayley and Niko (Nick). We went to South Jordan and we met Hayley's parents and then we went to the Stepfather. Seriously scary movie... But it's good. I thought it was so funny but Hayley's dad had Nick write his name on a shotgun shell. So once they left I took a picture of it... It's sweet.
I LOVED our costumes! We ALL look so hott!
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