Friday April 13, 2012 marked the end of a long hard chapter of my life. I finally finished at LDS BC! I officially have my associates degree! I'm so excited to be done there. There were some nights of endless studying, times when I should have studied and decided to play and I made some great friendships. It's weird thinking I'm not going to have to go to that building ever again but it feels awesome to know I'm done!
Friday they held their graduation ceremony in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. It was awesome. We got ready downstairs where MoTab got ready and it was just soooo cool to see the "secret" places. Once we finished writing our name card and lining up by major we started the processional. We walked out the door, behind the tabernacle and down the sidewalk. Our professors stood on either side of the sidewalk and clapped for us. At the end of our professors were TWO general authorities! Yes we had Elder D. Todd Christofferson AND Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. It was sooo awesome. I walked between them and thought "I am soooo close to a general authority right now this is AWESOME!" After 2 hours of boredom (speeches that were actually pretty good...but sitting in the tabernacle everything is boring because after 5 minutes your butt is numb and it's just uncomfortable.) we were given our "diploma's" which are really just the covers haha. BUT in the receiving line we had President Richards THEN Sister Holland, Elder Holland, Elder Cristofferson and like 10 other people. So cool story Sister Holland was hugging and kissing some people and I was talking to the person sitting by me saying "I want a hug!" so when I walked guess what.... I GOT A HUG hahaha it was sooo cool and Elder Holland and Elder Christofferson complimented my lei and shook my hand and said congratulations and it was an awesome experience.
I didn't really tell a lot of people about graduation because it wasn't a big deal just my associates and not a HUGE accomplishment for someone my age... (all my friends are graduating with their bachelors this year...bleh) but I did tell my family and a few friends. I didn't have tons of people there supporting me but to my surprise one of my best friends from home showed up! I think I only told her a couple times about graduation but she still came and it was awesome to see her. I love her! I also had my sister Lauren, sister in law Dahlia, nephew Claytin and Dahlia's mom Dawndra there supporting me. It was so great I loved it.
1 comment:
Congrats! It's such a nice feeling isn't it? Though you are going on for more (brave girl).
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