I forgot how enjoyable roommate dates are. But let me tell you...pretty dang fun. I recommend it for all roommates. They're so nice because you can ask anyone, the guy you secretly have a crush on or the guy in your ward that just sparked your interest or just someone you want to get to know better. Since there are currently only 2 roommates living here we invited our neighbors Kim and Rachel. And Lisa and Heather from behind us. Melissa invited a guy in our ward named David Koch (Pronounced Cook, you should see the looks he gets when they announce his name in church... :-) ) and I invited Nathan Quinn a guy that moved in at the beginning of summer then went to Europe for 3 weeks and just barely got back... Yeah so anyway we met at our apartment after institute around 8:30 and we went to ShopKo. We bought sweet paint sets and water color paper....this paper is pretty special. Then we went up to the park by Aunt Karens.... I always forget the name...shoot. So we went there and we painted a scene or each other. After we went to Bishops house and had their family judge our pictures in couples and out of the whole group. Both of mine won couple...just because Hannah must have a soft spot for me. Once the judging was done we went to Hello Yogurt. I forgot how delicious that was. Muy Muy delicioso. We stayed there for about an hour and just talked among couple. It was really nice how easy the conversation went. Now today I get to finish all my homework for my two classes and then pack for my trip! Woohoo! 
Me and Nathan showing off our pictures. We did a landscape and a portrait of the other....aparently I'm a "complicated mess" just kidding he didn't say that but that's how I interpret it.
Me and Nathan showing off our pictures. We did a landscape and a portrait of the other....aparently I'm a "complicated mess" just kidding he didn't say that but that's how I interpret it.
1 comment:
It was a really fun night. We need to set a date for the next one!
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