Well I've been sick since a little bit before Christmas but it didn't really make me worry until a couple weeks ago. I couldn't swallow, it just hurt so bad. So finally last Thursday I went to the doctor. The doctor said "oh that looks like a nasty bacteria" and prescribed me some antibiotics. After a couple days of those I realized nothing was happening and parts of my sickness were getting worse. So I went back to the doctor on Monday where he finally did some tests. They drew blood and swabbed my throat. Yesterday I got the call where they told me I have mono. YUCK! I have the kissing disease! And it's not even from kissing. I guess my mom was right when she told me not to share drinks with people. Dang it! Next time maybe I'll actually listen to my mom's advice. :-) But I have it now so I just get to sit and hope I get better soon...AND hope it doesn't flare up at the worst time.
This is probably what my mouth looks like...maybe worse. i mean Laura did describe it as "moldy tonsils" Gross...

Other than that fun adventure I've been having not much is going on in my life...
Megan and I enjoyed a Zac Efron-athon... We watched High School 1 2 AND 3 then 17 Again. Amazing day.
Claytin turned 1!!! What a big boy! Literally...Dahlia said he weighs 26 pounds...
Melissa moved into my room so I no longer have my own room. i'm just glad it's melissa not some crazy person named Addie...I mean cough cough...
Carrie moves in today! Woot Carrie is back...not sarcasm. I'm excited.
There's a GIANT bonfire in Salt Lake this weekend and I NEED to be healthy enough to go...or I will just make myself sicker but whatever I'm down. I really want to go so bad. It looks amazing.
At least 2 weeks close to home, girl! Your body needs to rest. Proven that it takes longer to recuperate if you do not rest! Pleeeeeease, be good to yourself! I love you forever!
I love you and I hope you get better soon. You are AWESOME!
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