So once again Lauren and I went to Park City this time Aaron, Tea and Roberta came with us. Lauren and I took our time in Motherhood Maternity...her new favorite store. It is so fun to watch Lauren try on clothes. My sister has a rockin bod. She's pretty dang hot. But it's fun to try on the prego belly. they NEVER look real but they do look really funny. So Lauren and I goofed off a bit and it was fun. :-) I love Lauren. She's a pretty good sister. Also she brought a new meaning to the term "belly dancing"

Guess what else!!! I got a haircut! My hair is almost as short as my moms!!! CRAZY but I LOVE it. More pictures will come later but for now I only have one. Enjoy!


For some reason blogger isn't letting me watch videos from my home computer so I can't see this.... Sad! Cute hair though!
You should repost this video so it works. I think it says how to here:
I Love your hair! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! I Love that store too!
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