Monday, March 22, 2010

RIP Herbie

Well Herbie died... He was our goldfish. He brought much joy to our lives. He enjoyed biting our fingers. Our favorite way to play with him was putting his bowl next to Undecided's (our beta) and watching Undecided get big and try to kill him. But there will be no more playing like that. :-( We will miss Herbie. But at least he had a proper funeral.
Ang and Laura extracting him from the bowl


Mary Ang Laura Me

Matt helping with the burial

RIP little man


Rachel said...

That is so sad, but the tribute was so awesome.

Adrienne said...

Just know when this was over some idiot came and jumped on him. It was GROSS

Unknown said...

I love the grossed out faces in half the pictures! Who played the horn? Not half bad. . . for a fish funeral.

Adrienne said...

His name is Neil...He's way good at trumpet.