The best part is after when you're trying to get it out of your hair... Here's a video of how much we had!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Color Wheel
Have you ever had the desire to throw flour at your friends and random people you don't know? How about if it was a rainbow of colors? AND there was sweet music playing too? If you answered yes to these questions WHY WEREN'T YOU AT THE FESTIVAL OF COLORS?! It was amazing this year. We got a big group to go THREE cars. Woo. We had my apartment-Mary :-( Our friend Jon, Ryan, Aaron, Cassie and Angilyn's sister, Amy. We got there and it was a mad house. It was crazy. Melissa and I were smart this year and wore goggles so we could see when there was just a cloud or flour in the air. It was crazy! even though I could see the cloud was so thick I could only see a couple people around me. Imagine trying to breathe during that....You can't. Before they throw they do some "deep breathing exercises" My swimmers lungs for sure helped out. We weren't even in the middle where it was SUPER intense. I don't have many before pictures because people were so excited to throw before but just shirt was completely white before.

The best part is after when you're trying to get it out of your hair... Here's a video of how much we had!
The best part is after when you're trying to get it out of your hair... Here's a video of how much we had!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Park City
So once again Lauren and I went to Park City this time Aaron, Tea and Roberta came with us. Lauren and I took our time in Motherhood Maternity...her new favorite store. It is so fun to watch Lauren try on clothes. My sister has a rockin bod. She's pretty dang hot. But it's fun to try on the prego belly. they NEVER look real but they do look really funny. So Lauren and I goofed off a bit and it was fun. :-) I love Lauren. She's a pretty good sister. Also she brought a new meaning to the term "belly dancing"
Monday, March 22, 2010
RIP Herbie
Well Herbie died... He was our goldfish. He brought much joy to our lives. He enjoyed biting our fingers. Our favorite way to play with him was putting his bowl next to Undecided's (our beta) and watching Undecided get big and try to kill him. But there will be no more playing like that. :-( We will miss Herbie. But at least he had a proper funeral.
Ang and Laura extracting him from the bowl
Monday, March 15, 2010
Well I'm sure you've all heard of the game Dance Dance Revolution but in our ward we have a traditional ward activity called Date Date Revolution. So last year I went to Date Date and this is the post.
So I'll just tell ya how it went. I had one guy pick me up for the date. Then we talked before the whole thing started.
Then date number 2 came. We had salad together then just talked.
Then date number 3 came along with the main course. Lasagna and rolls and more salad
Then date number 4 and dessert-Ice cream and brownies.
And finally date number 5 we took a picture together with cheesy stuff and danced. Then he took me home.
The pictures go in order of each date...well obviously Ang wasn't my date that was after we were done getting ready
I did have fun. It was as fun as last year. :-)
On an even happier note... I GOT A LETTER FROM MARCUS ELLISON!!!!
Marcus used to live in Port Orchard. Then he moved to Hawaii. Then apparently he moved to Oregon. Then we were in the same EFY group...awesome right? So now he's on his mission in Armenia and he gets back in May and I got a letter from him and I'm kinda excited. :-)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Weekend with AWESOME people
Well this weekend was an adventure. I got to spend it with my roommates some friends and family.
Friday was Steve's birthday so we went to Pizza Pie Cafe and went and saw Invictus
Friday was Steve's birthday so we went to Pizza Pie Cafe and went and saw Invictus
I thought this was funy apparently Steve used to ALWAYS make this face...I don't doubt it...Steve is the one in the middle smiling normal
He came to take a picture with the three of us and I guess Carrie didn't know so when he said something it kinda scared her...this is my new favorite picture
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